Category: Marbling

Heart & Hand Festival

We spent today demonstrating paper marbling at the Heart & Hand Festival at Joseph Schneider Haus, and the item featuring us (and our resident cricket) on the festival’s blog just went up yesterday. We were fortunate to have an indoor location

Heart & Hand Festival September 21st

This will be the third year we will be participating in the Heart & Hand festival at Joseph Schneider Haus on Queen Street in Kitchener. I will be demonstrating paper marbling, probably in the downstairs back room of the house

Marbling Workshop

We had a group of five ladies in our shop today for a marbling workshop. It was not our usual marbling course because they were mainly interested in marbling fabric, rather than learning various marbling patterns. We started out on

A Wedding Guestbook

This was a project we did about 12 years ago: a guestbook for a wedding. The overall size was about 10″ wide by 8½” high. The book was finished with a title plate pasted onto the cover (not shown), done

Our contribution to the Wayzgoose Anthology

Now that the Anthology is out I can show you our contribution without spoiling the surprise. Overall it turned out nice, although I have 3 or 4 private critiques of my work. There were 135 copies of the Anthology produced,

Wayzgoose 2013

We had great weather and a good crowd showing up, so altogether it was a wonderful day. We actually drove to Grimsby the afternoon before the show, and stayed at the Beamer Falls B&B so we could be fresh and

A Sampler of our Marbling

Someone asked me about our marbling on handmade paper so rather than try to describe patterns and colours in an e-mail or by phone I though I should just take a photo of all the marbling we have on handmade
